Dear Liberty Friends of Region 1,
I am writing to you today to let you know that on November 16, 2019 Johnny “Rocket” Adams resigned his role as your Region 1 Alternate to the LNC due to personal reasons. I sincerely wish Johnny the best of luck and am grateful for the contributions he gave during his tenure. This means that we are seeking applications to fulfill the role until the 2020 Libertarian National Convention in Austin, TX.
After speaking with your state chairs, we will be using a similar process to the last time a vacancy occurred. We will begin by soliciting applications for two weeks. The application may be found HERE. Anyone who is interested in this role should be willing to put in the work to grow our very large region. All applicants should also be aware of the Regional Agreement that we are currently operating under. That agreement can be found HERE.
Applications will be available beginning November 27 and ending December 10, 2019. The State Chairs will then review and elect our new Region 1 Alternate. I highly encourage everyone reach out to me or your state chair with any questions. Good luck to all applicants!
Richard Longstreth
Region 1 Representative
States in Region 1: Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Kansas, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming