Author Archive | Jess Mears


Organize a #LPTaxProtest

Dear Libertarian, It’s that time of year when my friends send me a text while filing their taxes to say “I’ve had it, I’m joining the Libertarian Party.” Tax season provides us with an extra-opportune time to share the benefits of cutting taxes, such as: Putting more money in the family budgets of the people […]

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Winston-Salem Journal

Did you see us in the news?

On Jan. 8, we sent out an email asking our supporters to consider pitching in during the government shutdown to help clean up the national parks. Libertarians responded quickly and 28 park cleanup events were organized in just days from California to Maine. Here’s a headline from North Carolina: And in Tennessee, Libertarians were asked by the National Park […]

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Libertarians clean the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 6, 2019.

Libertarians organize park cleanups nationwide

If you turned on the news last week, you probably saw images of overflowing trash at national parks during the government shutdown. When a Libertarian Party member in another state suggested that Libertarians organize a trash pickup at the National Mall, I reached out right away to the nearby affiliate leaders to share the idea. […]

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Conference call: the military industrial complex

    You are invited to a special conference call on The Military Industrial Complex: A Soviet-style Economic System featuring Jim Cantrell Monday, February 26 5 PM Pacific 6 PM Mountain 7 PM Central 8 PM Eastern Jim Cantrell is a well known entrepreneur and expert in space systems and has 30 years of experience […]

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