Press Releases and Party News

Libertarian Party

Barr Urges House Judiciary to Hold President Accountable

For Immediate Release Sunday, July 27, 2008 Appearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Bob Barr called for ‘a thorough inquiry into the Bush administration’s attack on the Constitution’s system of separation of powers and checks and balances.’ He explained: ‘It is axiomatic that no matter how much power government has, it always wants more.” “While […]

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Libertarian Party

West Virginia Update #1

It’s been more than 36 hours since my plane landed in West Virginia and I began volunteering with the Barr campaign’s ballot access drive.  Though coming to the end of my second day, it’s already been an interesting experience in a state traditionally dominated by Democrats and with a history that makes its residents wary […]

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Libertarian Party

Housing Bill Like 'Painting a Collapsing House'

For Immediate Release Friday, July 25, 2008 The Libertarian Party is calling for the Senate to block a measure that seeks to stabilize the housing market at a cost of $300 billion. “The bill is an atrocity, pure and simple,” says Libertarian Party National Chairman William Redpath. “The housing bill creates more regulation, more government […]

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Libertarian Party

Boehner's voting comments reflect Republican failures

For Immediate Release Wednesday, July 23, 2008 Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis called House Minority Leader John Boehner’s (R-OH) comments about wasted votes “a symptom of the same delusion that cost Republicans control in 2006.” Answering a question from Reason’s Dave Weigel about Bob Barr at a recent lunch hosted by The American Spectator and […]

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Libertarian Party

80 for 8 in 8

From the Libertarian Party: Dear Fellow Libertarian: Eight States.  Eight Days.  Eighty thousand dollars. That’s our goal for the next eight days as we face tough deadlines in eight states across the nation, and we’re $80,000 short of what we need to finish the ballot access drives in these states. We’re putting out an urgent […]

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Libertarian Party

'Let them fail'

For Immediate Release Tuesday, July 15, 2008 Government bailouts of Freddie and Fannie like giving candy to problem children “Let them fail,” says Libertarian Party spokesperson Andrew Davis, referring to the mortgage institutions Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, who the Bush administration has said it plans to rescue from financial collapse. “Let them fail, and […]

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Libertarian Party

Help us in West Virginia

For those that have been following the LP’s ballot access journey for 2008, the goal has been 48 states–standard for the Party since becoming the third largest political party in the United States.  The LP’s success with ballot access is partially why it can legitimately claim to hold this status.

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Libertarian Party

The new GOP platform

A little satire for the campaign season… Utilizing the Internet in helping to retool the party’s platform for 2008, the Republican National Committee has turned to online suggestions from those who log on to the new site  Believing that town hall-styled platform debates don’t get enough feedback from the people who attend, the RNC […]

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Libertarian Party

Telecom immunity fails to render justice to the American people

For Immediate Release Wednesday, July 9, 2008 Obama had chance stand for liberty, but did not The Libertarian Party says that Republicans and Democrats have failed the American people by allowing telecommunication companies complicit in the Bush administration’s illegal wiretap program to go without punishment. “Civil liberties were violated, and only 28 senators cared to […]

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Libertarian Party

Mocha-flavored capitalism

When Starbucks announced that it was shutting the doors on 600 stores across the United States, American coffee-drinkers took a second while sipping on their caramel macchiatos and skinny mocha lattes to reflect upon a very real manifestation of our current economic woes.  For many, a cup of coffee that now cost as much as […]

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Libertarian Party

Record low in Congressional approval 'a dire prognosis for the future of the political establishment'

For Immediate Release Tuesday, July 8, 2008 Party says Republicans and Democrats are barely distinguishable “Single digit approval ratings for Congress are a dire prognosis for the future of the political establishment,” says Libertarian Party National Chairman William Redpath, referring to today’s Rasmussen poll that gives Congress the worst approval rating since Rasmussen began tracking […]

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